Trainer with personality!
- Modern, scientifically based model
- Practice-oriented and directly applicable
- Aha effects with enthusiastic customers
With personality to become a successful trainer!
Become a Mind Codex potential developer and increase your success with an app-supported personality model.
The Mind Codex® personality model is just right for you!
Mind Codex is a 4-factor personality model that can be taught in a playful way, with sound insights, practice-oriented exercises and modern presentation.
The seminar content is easy and directly applicable, which not only affects the satisfaction of your customers, but also your training success.
We regularly train new trainers in the Mind Codex® personality model, who now also inspire their clients with the knowledge. Become part of the Mind Codex® team and learn how you can profitably strengthen your trainings with it.
Mind Codex® is a key element for almost all areas.
- Recognize values and potentials of coachees/employees/applicants and use them purposefully
- Ideal for an initial assessment of own coachees/mentees/applicants
- Key element as a basis for all further training/coaching measures
- Higher chances of success in your own seminar/coaching program through scientifically based personality analysis
- Knowledge transfer for type-fair handling with fellow men
- Own and foreign strengths step into the consciousness
- Products/services can be aligned to target groups
- Respect and understanding for one's own person and fellow human beings increases
- The analysis can be carried out from anywhere in the world
- Direct application after one day of training
- Training is possible in a face-to-face seminar and as live-online training, thanks to online testing and app : contents can be implemented directly
Benefits for Mind Codex trainers:
- Online access to all seminar and training materials incl. flipchart templates, exercises, seminar descriptions, sample agenda, certificate template, access to the trainer tool, documents & presentation in English and much more.
- Bound book as additional seminar material
- Structured onboarding process with free training in sales and marketing integration
- Access to the Mind Codex Academy with many free trainings
- Membership in the Mind Codex Academy trainer community with platform for exchange/networking
- Own personality analysis and app access with seminar manual